TEHRAN –(Iranart)-Works by athlete and artist Mohammad Berangi were exhibited at the West Yorkshire Printing Workshop (WYPW).
TEHRAN –(Iranart)-Iranian artists Hamid Sufi and Saman Torabi have won special prize at a caricature festival in Montenegro.
TEHRAN –(Iranart)- Works by Iranian artist Armin Amirian, who merges staged photography with other arts, are on view at Cladogram: 2ND KMA International Juried Biennial.
TEHRAN –(Iranart)-The Italian Embassy in Tehran has launched on Thursday the third episode of the video series "From Tehran to Rome. A Journey through Art ", featuring the life and works of Iranian contemporary master Khosrow Khorshidi.
TEHRAN.(Iranart) – An art exhibition titled, ‘Instigator,’ featuring works by two Iranian artists, Shahram Entekhabi and Ghazaleh Seidabadi, opened on May 8 at Empty Circle Space Gallery in Brooklyn, New York, and will run through June 16
TEHRAN -(Iranart)-Shirin Gallery with the works of 6 Iranian artists will present at the Menart fair.