TEHRAN –(Iranart)- Majid Majidi, the director of acclaimed movies “Sun Children” and “Children of Heaven”, will be doing his next project on the coronavirus pandemic in China.
TEHRAN –(Iranart)- Strand Releasing, an independent U.S. film distributor, has purchased U.S. rights to director Majid Majidi’s child labor drama “Sun Children”, Variety reported on Friday.
TEHRAN -(Iranart)- Majid Majidi’s child labor drama “Sun Children” will be competing in the 5th International Film Festival & Awards, which will take place in Macao from December 3 to 8.
TEHRAN –(Iranart)- Majid Majidi’s child labor drama “Sun Children” has been selected to represent Iran during the 93rd Academy Awards in the best foreign-language film category.
TEHRAN.(Iranart) - Nov. 06 (MNA) –– Iranian film 'The Sun' directed by Majid Majidi, will be screened at the 8th edition of the Ajyal Film Festival in Qatar
TEHRAN –(Iranart)- Iranian films received six awards at the 77th Venice Film Festival, which was held amid the coronavirus pandemic.
TEHRAN, (Iranart)- Zamani,Iranian teen actor, took award for his role in 'The Sun' by Majid Majidi at Venice Film Festival.
TEHRAN, (HONARONLINE)-Majid Majidi's film ,"The Sun Childern", won the Magic Lantern award at 77th Venice Film Festival.
TEHRAN.(Iranart) –The 77th Venice Film Festival runs from September 2nd to 12th.
TEHRAN –(Iranart)- Director Majid Majidi announced Friday that Ruhollah Zamani, the star his child labor drama “Sun Children”, has missed the 77th Venice Film Festival due to his positive test for COVID-19.