TEHRAN –(Iranart) -Hossein Hashempoor who editor-in-chief of Honaronline since 2013 left this media.
TEHRAN. (Iranart) – The current economic downturn in Iran has to a great extent affected the art and culture market. Thanks to a lack of budget, many Iranian artists are now kicking the can down the road.
TEHRAN. (Iranart) – There are some questions that need to be asked over and over again from the IRIB, which claims to be a state television yet never bothers to take criticism or apologize as the so-called flag-holder of Iranian art.
TEHRAN. (Iranart) – Iranian artists insist that critics who target art day in day out should likewise take a good look at their own fields and critique them as well.
TEHRAN. (Iranart) – Just like art works, media outlets and websites should who what is going on in the real society.
TEHRAN. (Iranart) – Women singers don’t have opportunity to have the music album, their only chance to being seen are these concerts which dedicated to women; furthermore, in these years female musicians in other cities have been limited in recent years…
TEHRAN. (Iranart) – Our artists are yet to forget how the Culture Ministry was left to its own devices to face the conservative camp three years ago. The government didn’t come to its rescue despite the expectations.
TEHRAN. (Iranart) – The only way out, the only response to the threats to the art world has to be unity and ceaseless demands from officials and through legal channels.