Code: 37927 A

The Fisherman and Spring Goes to Italy’s Lago Filmfest.

The Fisherman and Spring Goes to Italy’s Lago Filmfest.

TEHRAN.(Iranart) - Iranian short animated piece The Fisherman and Spring by Hassan Soltani has been accepted into the competition program of 15th Lago Film Fest in Italy.

The animation is based on Mojgan Kalhors illustrated childrens book The Fisherman and Spring, which tells the story of a fisherman who lives in a snowy region with a very long winter. The Fisherman supposes that the spring has lost its way to the region, therefore he starts searching for it. A little fish and a group of birds also join him in searching for the missing spring.

The animation will enjoy its first international screening at the UNICEF KIDS section of the 15th edition of Lago Film Fest in Italy.

The event will take place at Revine Lago from 19 to 27 July.

Source: Mehr News


The Fisherman and Spring Hassan Soltani Lago Film Fest
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