Hamidreza Shafiei | Vesta Color | Vesta Artistic color
So Why Do You Paint?!; Hamidreza Shafiei, manager of the Vesta Color

Hamidreza Shafiei, manager of the Vesta Color brand : Painting is ageless. It will be with us always from the moment we learn how to handle a pen until we carry this ability throughout our lives.
IranArt : "When faced with some paint, a pen, and a canvas or a cardboard sheet," says Hamidreza Shafiei, manager of the Vesta Color brand, "everyone reaches for one of those items and lets their minds play with colors."
"However, picking up a pen does not always equate to producing a work of art. It is still possible to generate moments of excitement and surprise for yourself and others around you, even if you are not naturally gifted in painting." he argues.
Hamidreza Shafiei emphasizes that "painting and music are universal languages shared by all people," and that "any audience, regardless of background or culture, can engage in a conversation with an artwork. Painting is both joy and sorrow, stillness and clamor. However, it is more than just a hobby."
He continues, "Numerous scientists have conducted studies and research to support the premise that painting has a positive impact on people's physical, mental, and spiritual well-being and is an indisputable factor in enhancing human cognitive and emotional capacity."
As stated by Vesta Color Manager, eminent neuropsychologist and winner of the Nobel Prize Roger Wolcott Sperry believed that people use either the right or left side of the brain to think and complete tasks.
Hamidreza Shafiei states: "Sperry originated the theory describing the left and right brains' separate but complementary roles. Thinkers who use their right brain are more creative and intuitive, while those who use their left brain are more analytical and rational. People who paint are better at using both their left and right brains."
"Painting is ageless", says Hamidreza Shafiei in his conclusion. "It will be with us always from the moment we learn how to handle a pen until we carry this ability throughout our lives. Thus, it wouldn't be too much to suggest that one of the most enduring legacies we can leave for our kids and ourselves is to create the right environment so that this inner power can flourish and emerge."
One of the most popular paint and accessory brands in Iran's art scene, Vesta Color is gaining popularity in the Middle East on a daily basis.
Oil colors, acrylic, gouache, ecoline, vitrail, solvents, additives, and dozens more products are among the 353 products offered by Vesta Color.