Hossein Hashempoor: Why does no official apologize? /Artists and journalists became drivers of internet taxis

Tehran. (Iranart)-This fall, every artist you see has several artist friends who change gears in one of the online taxis!
Iranian Art journalist and editor says: "Only the innate talent and artistic creativity of artists is maintaining identity o our nation otherwise, Iranian art has been far from the path of development for many years and the alarm has been sounded. "Because the infrastructure and facilities are in place, they are even being depreciated, destroyed, and reduced in nature, but at the same time, universities and colleges are rapidly releasing art graduates with the technique of making money ."
in addition : "Some statistics say that every year, 4,500 experts in theater, cinema, visual arts, music from official universities enter the labor market with thousands of hopes and aspirations, and some do this in addition to the output of the free schools they provide." A surprising number that, if there is an opportunity in other countries, has smelled of threat here, these years and these days.
Hashempour reminds: "Statistics of the assessment organization show that in the national entrance exam of the year 99, there were 113,732 volunteers in the fields of art: 80,856 female volunteers and 32,876 male volunteers!" Meanwhile, 54,697 people applied to participate in the 95th entrance exam in the field of art; This growing interest in studying art is at a time when the market for art activities in Iran is very sluggish. The editor of Iran Art emphasizes: "The problem is very simple. The government, as the main custodian of art development, is lagging behind many art lovers, and this backwardness is showing itself more and more every day."
He said: "An example is the words of the former artistic deputy of the Ministry of Guidance, who announced in September 2014:
"Over the last few years, more than 1,400 people have graduated in the field of theater every year, and this number is increasing; Even if 20% of them want to work seriously in this field, they do not have the necessary facilities."Want more up-to-date statistics? "There are 65 theater semi-governmental institutes in our country, and we have about 2,000 theater graduates a year," said the head of the Theater Masters Association. Hashempour pointed out: "Honestly, it is enough to refer to your urban facilities. Has there been an increase in cultural and artistic structures along with so many educated artists claiming to be energetic? Have artistic budgets grown? Have the government and parliament? "Have intelligence, reason, and commitment to the private sector worked? Yes, I absolutely agree with you." A big NO.
He recalled: "I wrote a while ago on July 2: Corona completed the unfinished work of all the governments of these forty years, one by one, by choosing the farthest options for the Ministry of Culture, reducing the share of the art budget to less than one, 0.6% of the total budget. That is, not even one percent of the total budget of the country to share with culture and art, no, also this is shared by art with many other sectors!!
"Who does not know that the current budget will not be met, as it is said that last year only about 70% of the approved budget for art was allocated." The journalist added: "It is interesting that the government does not apologize for not doing enough to fully allocate the art budget because it is not institutionalized in our country on the basis of such an official and art associations and houses have never made serious demands on the art budget. "At the same time, the Ministry of Guidance and the deputies usually do not turn their face that It is only the back of the art community bending under the growing burden of inflation."
He emphasizes: "It is not new to Corona today that the government has failed to stabilize the price of bread and cheese for the people. It has returned to the atmosphere of art, and some believe that this was deliberately stopped even those times which petrodollars income were three times bigger than current. "It is not unreasonable that these days the media is full of critical interviews with artists from different fields of art, which is getting sharper every day. The irony is that even these days, they do not give up on bold head of art and artists, Corona plays with people's lives in the subway, airplanes, buses, passages, trips ... then only Which are closed is theater and cinema !!
Honestly, artists are right to interpret this discrimination as wrestling with art. It is the work of everyone, the work of shameful artists. "No one answers where the artists make money and eat."
"Last fall, Gholamreza Sanatgar, an old pop singer, announced, 'I know a lot of veteran singers who have moved in these days. "Unfortunately, even one of the famous singers has been active in internet taxis."
Hashempour added: "But this fall, every artist you see has several artist friends who are driving in one of the online taxis. One said we were lucky that the mask was made mandatory to protect our privacy.
Yesterday, a friend showed me a tragic comment: Two young "journalists" had a problem preventing the employment of drivers under the age of 23 with licenses less than two years old in the public transport fleet, including Snap and Tapsi. And they asked their friends for a friend in the system to make their work done! In the end, Hashempour said: "Being a taxi driver, of any kind, is an honorable and very important job for the society, but respected drivers also do not like anyone who is unemployed to turn the steering wheel of a car and take passengers, something that artists do these days. They have to do it for a living and they wonder why the officials are silent. Is this silence a matter of satisfaction?"