Revealing the extortion of Afshin Parvaresh from artists

TEHRAN.(Iranart) –Ali Ghertasi the well-known of calligraphy and director of a campaign to expose fake artwork released documents that show how Afshin Parvaresh extorted money from artists in 15 minutes video.
For example, Ghertasi explains how Afshin Parvaresh despite being aware of the originality of the works o Ali Shirazi prominent calligraphy prints and copies them in order to extort money from this artist by pressuring him.
Ghertasi says this behavioral pattern upbringing is typical of artists and puts pressure on some to create works of art through sexual labels or fraud.
In addition to the files that Ghertasi publishes in this video as a document, there is also an audio file of breeding extortion, which clarifies the reason for these breaches and falsifications of breeding.
In the audio file of the extortion, which was heard by Iran Art reporters, and Ghertasi broadcast a part of it in the video, and it is to be provided to the judicial authorities, this internet insult says: I do not have a good physical and financial situation these days It's hard for me if you help solve the problem I will not publish these files.
It seems that Parvaresh's absolute silence about Ali Ghertasi's revelation is due to fear of publishing this file.
You can read the full text of Ali Ghertasi's revelation in this video.
Ali Ghertasi against Afshin Parvaresh in this video says:
Even I searched about who are those targeted masters blamed by Mr. Parvaresh, I have found the accused master Shirazi of selling one of Bahman Mohasses's artworks to Christie Auction. By my contact to Christie's Auction, their administration informed us that there is a second calligrapher who is Iranian but based in Canada with a similar surname. So I get back to Mr. Parvaresh and informed him about his misinformation and you have played with Master Shirazi's name (the great calligrapher master), your activities about him made a bad reputation about him, and of course, he came back to the campaign – the campaign of exposing counterfeit works – and delivers his apology.
But it doesn't end there, one-day Parvaresh came to me and said 'I've got great evidence that Mr. Shirazi's works are fake', I told him I believe in his works and what you are showing to me is his work, it is obvious.
Ghartassi referred to a couple of voices in his phone and mentioned there is over seventy voices by Parvaresh convincing he was right about fake works of Master Shirazi.
But I realized that Mr. Parvaresh words are full of antonym and asked him to come up in the campaign and make things clear and correct, I'll deliver these voices to the court, by the way, to make sure what is going on I've called Master Shirazi and told him what I think is all about closing our campaign to ransom you and if you pay about this issue it might be good if you think that all these dramas put you in trouble but he said 'not fear those who stand on the hill'.
Our conversation made me sure to call Mr. Parvaresh and tell him what you are confronting is wrong, whoever sent this fake evidence to you doesn't know anything since I've got a collection of over 300 works by Master Shirazi that all characters are the same word by word and he has done it in front of people all those works, but Parvaresh stands on his claim and a few days later I've seen his posts on Instagram that causes me to expel him from our campaign.
However, I've learned my lesson that these people in such campaigns with recognizing art masters are asking about money and if they don't get anything they will pull down the name and masters good reputations within society by tagging sexual harassment, student abusing, calling their works counterfeit or feeding galleries with counterfeit works and above all regressing Iranian art and culture.