Timo nasseri’s Exhibition is going to hold at march 2023: art works of Timo nasseri Iranian artist in Lawrie Shabibi Dubai art gallery

Lawrie Shabibi is pleased to announce the representation of Berlin-based artist Timo Nasseri (b. 1972, Germany). His first solo at the gallery opens in March 2023.
Iranart: Azadeh Jafarian :Timo nasseri was present in Tehran modern and contemporary auction in January 2021 with one sculpture .
Nasseri explores themes such as geometry, mathematics, architecture, calligraphy, and most recently, camouflage. Combining Islamic and Western cultural heritages, his work is inspired as much by specific memories and religious references as by universal archetypes described by mathematics and language, and the inner truths of form and rhythm. His work uses the means of natural science to open up a perspective for the poetic and fantastic. Nasseri takes his inspiration from mathematics, geometry and patterns and underlines their interconnectedness in terms of repetition and aesthetics in his drawings and sculptures. His practice is one that tackles the subject of infinity and that aims to solve puzzles, whether they are historical mysteries or the explorations via mathematical theorems to discover an overarching order in the chaos of existence.