Iranian artists honored at Global Photographic Union contest

TEHRAN.(Iranart) - Iranian photographers Pardis Maaleki and Mardin Ahmadi have been honored with awards at the second edition of the GPU Under 25 Photo Competition.
This contest has been established by the Global Photographic Union (GPU) to offer an encouraging opportunity for young photographers to show and share their creativities and interact in this social opportunity, by connecting with one another from all over the world.
The jury honored Maaleki in the categories Open Color and COVID-19.
Her “Desert” showing a desert scene won the GPU Silver Medal in Open Color, while her “Nurses” depicting two Iranian health workers in a hospital during the pandemic won the same award in the COVID-19 category.
Ahmadi received the GPU Ribbon in the Mobile Photos section for his photo “Remains of Autumn”, which shows a single tree with few yellow leaves in a plain blanketed in snow.
The GPU Gold Medal in Open Color was awarded to British photographer Lee Walker for “Nail Salon”, in which he has focused on a high jump athlete’s fingernails, which are adorned with colorful nail polish.
Walker also received the Second Best Entry award worth 200 Euros for the photo.
Khoa Nguyen Nguyen Doan from Vietnam won the GPU Bronze Medal for “Net Sewing” in this section.
The Gold Medal of the International Association of Art Photographers (IAAP) in this category went to Mohammed al-Shaaili from Oman for “Care”.
The Third Best Entry ward worth 100 Euros was also given to Al-Shaaili for the photo.
Algerian photographer Akram Menari won the GPU Gold Medal in the COVID-19 category for “My Grandfather and Grandmother”.
This photo, which shows his grandfather nursing his wife who is ill with COVID-19, also won the Best Entry award worth 300 Euros.
“Stay at Home” by Aung Chan Thar from Myanmar won the GPU Bronze Medal in this section.
In the Mobile Photos category, the GPU Gold Medal went to Sultan Ahmed Niloy from Bangladesh for “Traveler”, which depicts several boats waiting for passengers on the bank of a river.
“A Butcher” by Karim Magdy from Egypt was awarded the GPU Silver Medal, while the GPU Bronze Medal was given to Yousef Tarek from Egypt for “Hard Life”.
Source:Tehran Times