Mohammad Ehsaei’s Exhibition by Kimia Nakhaei in Vije Art Gallery

Limited edition prints of Mohammad Ehsaei’s artworks, the well-known artist of Iran’s art scene has been exhibited.
Iranart: Kimia Nakhaei : Mohammad Ehsaei is a name that is known in the art world not only by Iranians but also by a range of Iranian calligraphy enthusiasts beyond Iran’s borders, whose number of his artworks are kept in the Metropolitan and British museums.
While being faithful to the principles and proportions of the traditional Iranian calligraphy, Ehsaei is known for deconstructing and avoiding repetition; his contemporary readings of calligraphy extend them to areas of painting and whisper new meanings to the viewer of the artwork.
Master Ehsaei is known and admired for the unique taste of his Nastaliqs, but the 82-year-old master of calligraphy has eye-catching skills that delight the eyes in this exhibition.
In fact, the calligrapher tries to recreate the third line by preserving the originality of the sols calligraphy system with the help of modern graphics. This style of work is based on the modern aesthetics of modern calligraphy, which gives his artworks an identity that the audience recognize from afar without seeing the signature.
The "Architecture of Letters and Words" exhibition is full of these moments.
Upon entering the gallery, we come across the statement of the exhibition and a book that is on the table for browsing.
The statement of the exhibition is written by Behzad Hatem, who beautifully and eloquently states that one of the reasons of our happiness is to live in a time simultaneously with an outstanding artist such as Ehsaei.
The book "Architecture of Letters and Words" has been published in 80 pages and 500 copies, of which 200 copies have been numbered and signed by the artist.
Also, 21 selected works of Ehsaei have been exhibited in one of the gallery halls.
These artworks are limited to 30 copies of each and in sizes appropriate to the original artwork, printed manually with a black press. These artworks have been selected from the artist's collection. Among them, we can mention artworks such as love, kindness. The 21 mentioned artworks have been published in the book "Architecture of Letters and Words".
In the other hall, an artwork from the collection of "Eternal Alphabet" by Mohammad Ehsaei has been selected and presented as a "duplication" in 99 copies, with the difference that each of these duplications, after being hand-printed in black has been painted with acrylic colors by Ehsaei himself.
The exhibition "Architecture of Letters and Words" is a selection of artworks of Mohammad Ehsaei, which has been gathered with the efforts of Amrollah Farhadi Ardakapan, Alireza Mostafazadeh Ebrahimi and Majid Abbasi and has been exhibited in Vije art gallery.