Code: 71669 A

Sadegh Tabrizi

Sadegh Tabrizi 85th Birthday Anniversary

Sadegh Tabrizi 85th Birthday Anniversary

Sadegh Tabrizi 85th Birthday Anniversary.

IranArt : As we commemorate the 85th anniversary of the birth of Sadegh Tabrizi, we reflect on the remarkable life and enduring legacy of this pioneering figure in Iranian art. Sadegh Tabrizi born on the 22th of February (1939- 2017) left an indelible mark on the art world as a painter, calligrapher, and visionary artist.

Tabrizi emerged as a central figure in the Saqqakhaneh movement, a groundbreaking artistic movement that blended traditional Iranian art forms with modernist sensibilities. His works represent a fusion of calligraphic mastery, elements of Iranian architecture, and motifs drawn from traditional Persian art, including Qajar art and coffeehouse painting.

From his early days in Tehran, Tabrizi demonstrated a keen artistic talent, studying miniature painting at the School of Art and later delving into the technique of painting on ceramics and pottery. It was during this period that he pioneered the technique of line painting on ceramics, earning recognition as the founder of this innovative style.

Throughout his career, Tabrizi continued to push boundaries and explore new artistic frontiers. He pursued studies in interior architecture, graduating with a master's degree in 1964, and collaborated with fellow artists such as Parviz Tanavoli and Hossein Zenderoudi in founding the Saqqakhaneh school.

Tabrizi's works garnered international acclaim, with exhibitions held in prestigious galleries around the world. Notable among his achievements are his contributions to interior architecture, including the design of interior decorations for the Hilton Hotel in Tehran and the shrine of Hazrat Abdul Azim.

Sadegh Tabrizi

A true visionary, Tabrizi bridged the gap between traditional and modern art, creating a unique visual language that resonates to this day. His use of Nastaliq and broken Nastaliq scripts in his line paintings, coupled with an expressionist and abstract approach, set him apart as a trailblazer in Iranian art.

Today, Sadegh Tabrizi's legacy endures, with his works held in esteemed collections such as the Gray Art Gallery at New York University and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Tehran. As we celebrate his life and contributions, we pay tribute to a visionary artist whose creativity continues to inspire and captivate audiences worldwide.

Sadegh Tabrizi
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